6 Facts About Teaching English Abroad That Will Amaze You

Did you know there are nearly 750,000,000 non-native English speakers in the world, and it continues to grow?
With over 1.5 billion English speakers worldwide, teaching English is extremely rewarding now. A TEFL certified can teach English almost anywhere. Their demand for English goes hand in hand with your aptitude to teach it. TEFL courses can be done either online, in-person and also there is the option of a grouping of both courses.
Wonderful Realities About Teaching English
Here are some of the wonderful facts about teaching English abroad ---
Teaching & Lesson Planning Isn't That Scary
The fact is most of the people who decide to teach English abroad have little to no classroom teaching experience. Getting your TEFL certification is a great way to formulate yourself for teaching English overseas. It additionally teaches you how to teach English, and will give you the aptitudes that you need to manage an ESL classroom.
You Can Earn a Good Salary in Teaching English Abroad
There’s a common myth that English teachers don’t make enough money. Well, money is dependent on so many variables. The fact is it’s quite doable to make a good TEFL salary. Some Middle Eastern countries in particular, like Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates offer a salary of around $3,500 – $5,000, per month, tax-free! Countries like Thailand or Cambodia offer the cost of living. Some people also teach English online for additional income.
Tips to find your first TEFL job!
English is the Global Business Language
We can hardly argue that English is the business language of the world. It is also known as the lingua franca or connecting language between various countries, empowering companies to operate on a global level. There won’t ever be a time perhaps when English is not in demand.
100,000+ EFL Jobs Open Up Every Year
Because of the nature of TEFL, several teachers leave their schools at the end of their agreements. Either to move on to one more school in another destination or to return home. This means that every year, there are thousands of ESL job openings literally wherever you want to teach English.
Variation of ESL Jobs
Determining the place you want to teach English is going to make a transformation not only for yourself but also resolves how well you are going to do your job. Selecting the foreign destination that you want to work in might be the most problematic yet important step. Every place is the magnificence in itself. There are various pros and cons connected to a particular destination.
Visa Requirements
The requirements vary from one employer to another. For example, to teach English in Japan, Vietnam, or the UAE, you’ll be required to have a Bachelor’s degree. On the other hand, Cambodia, Argentina, Brazil, etc. you’re able to teach in many countries without a Bachelor’s degree. Moreover, if you want to teach English in Spain, it will be easier to get a work permit if you’re an EU citizen. Remember, visa requirements will differ from country to country.
The Bottom Line
Try to avoid myths and stick to the facts. With TEFL Certification, teaching English abroad is a unique as well as rewarding experience. Hence, if you have a passion for the English language, go for it! You don’t have to be a native speaker too. TEFL is pretty flexible. There will not be a time when English isn’t in high demand.
Written By : Shivangi Chakraborty